
Spring Lake Outdoor Club


I have been advised and am aware that during certain events and activities in which I may participate with the Spring Lake Outdoor Club (“Club”), certain natural risks and hazards associated with the forest and the lake may occur which cannot be controlled.
I have been made aware of the Rules & Regulations of the Club and agree to abide by them. I further agree to accept dismissal from the activity and property without benefit of refund in the event I, my family member(s) or my guest(s), may violate such rules.
In consideration of, and as part payment for the right to partici­pate in these events and activities available to me, I have and do hereby assume all liability and risks and will hold the Club; its officers, directors, employees and assigns; Spring Lake Farm, its owners, employees and assigns harmless from any and all liability, actions, causes of action, debts, claims and demands of every kind and nature whatsoever including attorney’s fees which may arise from or in connection with my partic­ipation in these activities or my presence or my guest(s) on the property. The terms herein shall serve as a RELEASE and ASSUMPTION OF RISKS for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and for all members of my family and guests. This release shall remain in effect until rescinded by me in writing.

As used in this release the terms I, my person and myself include minors and guests in my  care, company and whose presence are by my invitation while on the property (Spring Lake Farm).

If participant is a minor, the undersigned parent or guardian gives permission for said minor to participate in activities sponsored by the Club and accepts all risks stated above.


Participant Name_____________________________ Name _____________________________
                                          (Signature)                                                      (Printed)               
Address/Phone/Email ______________________

Child Name _________________________________ Name ____________________________
                                     (Signature)                                                          (Printed)

Parent/Guardian Name ________________________ Name ____________________________

                                                   (Signature)                                            (Printed)

Date ______________________                                                                            SLOCRelease2006.doc